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What is an Uncharted Adventure?
A Step-by-Step Guide To Sharing Your Adventures
You might wonder . . .
- Do I have an adventure to share?
- Who could possibly be interested in where I’ve been and what I’ve done?
- I don’t go to faraway, exotic spots. Why would anyone care about my experiences?
We believe adventures come in all shapes and sizes and that anyone can have one. What's routine for you might just be someone else's next adventure.
Part of overcoming the barriers to discovery and exploration is learning how to share and inspire others to explore the 'uncharted' as we master these skills.
1. Use All the Senses
"Everything we know about the world comes to us through our senses."
American Museum of Natural History
Uncharted Adventures use all the senses –– touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste –– to answer the questions Who, What,, When, Where, Why, and How. It’s what inspires our motto: “Explore! Live! Feel!” But how do we take all these sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures and share them in a way that others can also explore, live, and feel what we experienced as though they were standing next to us? Part of overcoming the barriers to discovery and exploration is learning how to share so we can inspire and motivate each other to explore the ‘uncharted,’ so here’s how to do it:
2. Discover Hidden Adventures

Or perhaps there are hidden adventures in plain sight that you unconsciously skip like a pair of hikers fixated on their destination as a deer tiptoes across the road just behind them.
3. Find Micro Adventures
"Everything we know about the world comes to us through our senses."
American Museum of Natural History
And Uncharted Adventures don’t have to be grandiose, extravagant undertakings reserved for the powerful, rich, and elite –– micro adventures, anything from baby fish clustered in a pond underneath a bridge to the intricate mosaic of a Dragonfly’s wings flapping are experiences easily missed unless we make that extra effort to lean over that bridge or zoom in on those wings.
4. Focus on the journey

An Uncharted Adventure might be more about the journey than the destination. It could be the ordeal of a hiker limping on a sprained ankle to reach the summit. Or it might be the persistence of the road-tripper stuck on an empty highway with a flat tire.
Or maybe it’s the willpower of the person who hates the cold but embarks on an an early-morning snowshoe trek anyway. And it could be the person who’s afraid of water that dives into an aquatic underworld just out of curiosity.
5. Experience new cultures
"Everything we know about the world comes to us through our senses."
American Museum of Natural History

Uncharted Adventures are about people –– those we encounter along the way and those who journey with us. It could be a group of friends on an afternoon hike. It might be someone trying to learn a new language to communicate with a new friend. Or it might be the brave soul taste-testing a new food. Or it could be diving into a pit of mashed potatoes to win a tug-o-war contest – the tradition of a small Idaho town. Learning new skills, discovering new hobbies – all of these are Uncharted Adventures.
6. Seek Novelty
So whether it’s overcoming a fear that opposes your quest for discovery, learning new skills that empower you to explore better and deeper, or confronting obstacles along the way, an Uncharted Adventure can be found almost anywhere.
From the underprivileged urban city child that’s never seen a forrest, to the adult living in polluted, light-saturated cities who’s never experienced the thrill of gazing upward on a cloudless night into the Milky Way, an Uncharted Adventure is something that expands horizons and changes lives through the experiences of discovery and exploration.
So, do you have an Uncharted Adventure to share? You bet. We’re sure that what seems ordinary to you will be extraordinary to us and we challenge you to explore, live, and feel, and then capture those experiences, sharing them with the world.

Be an Explorer
Help others overcome the barriers to discovery and exploration by sharing your next Uncharted Adventure.